Papers relating to his collection of marble sculptures and other antiquities

Item author: Charles Townley
Item date: 18th - 19th centuries
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 209,081
Item date acquired: 1992
Item institution: British Museum
Town/City: London

This vast collection of papers falls into three groups: Townleys own records, a huge correspondence with collectors and others and papers on classical sculpture and mythology by Pierre Hugues, better known by his self-conferred title of Baron dHarncarville whom Townley employed to catalogue his collection. With the acquisition of these papers, the Townley collection of antique marbles, acquired by the Museum on his death in 1805, was once more reunited with the information about its formation and growth over a period of some 30 years. The FONL was also instrumental in raising a further 9,324 for the papers as the result of a special appeal. Illustrated as frontispiece to AR

Item Provenance
Bought by private treaty from the Towneley family after the papers failed to make their reserve price at auction in 1985