Gunn archive of Norfolk and the Grand Tour

Item date: 1774-1843
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 83,050
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2006
Item institution: Norfolk Record Office
Town/City: Norwich
County: Norfolk

A very extensive archive of letters addressed to William Gunn (1750-1841) of Norfolk, art critic, collector and writer over half a century. It comprises some 1,004 letters dealing with social, political and business life in Norfolk (reflecting Gunn's passion for art and antiquities, paintings, cameos, tapestries, books and MSS); five volumes of diaries of Gunn's tour in Europe (1792-93); and a single volume of the journal of his wife from 1792. The letters include 60 from Dawson Turner, 38 from John Flaxman, 2 from John Sell Cotman and letters George Nicol, Richard Bartram, Lady Knight, Thomas Hearne, George Cubitt and many others.