Book of Monuments

Item author: Sir William Dugdale
Item date: 1640 - 41
(this is an approximate date)
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 80,000
Item date acquired: 1994
Item institution: British Library
Town/City: London

This book is the result of Dugdales ambitious programme to record as much as possible of medieval church architecture and decoration as he could before the iconoclasts of the Puritan movement could do their worst. The Book of Monuments containing 190 foliosrecords for 37 of the places visited, notes and facsimiles of inscriptions in Dugdales hand, and paintings of glass, heraldry and monuments by William Sedgwick. Illustrated at p.8 of AR

Item Provenance
Descended in the family of Dugdales patron Sir Christopher Hatton, on loan to BL since 1952; acquired from the Trustees of the Winchilsea Settled Estates