Artwork for Graham Greene's The Little Train (Bodley Head)

Item author: Edward Ardizzone
Item date: 1973
Grant Value: £5,000
Item cost: £50,000
Item date acquired: 2011
Item institution: Seven Stories: The National Centre for Children's Books
Town/City: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
County: Tyne and Wear

The complete artwork for this edition of Graham Greene's much-loved story, in superb condition, comprising 35 watercolour illustrations and one pen-and-ink drawing of lettering; the watercolour dust jacket design; and a complete hand-drawn pen and ink dummy book. Comparing the pen and ink dummy with the finished artwork highlights Ardizzone’s mastery of both media, and his apparently effortless translation of the monochrome image to the final watercolour version.  

Item Provenance
Wolseley Fine Arts, Hereford